Who is Ernest Khalimov?
Sometime in 2017 on the internet, speculations started about Ernest Khalimov, some of the rumors saying that he’s a real person, and some that he’s a digital creation. One way or another, ‘he’ rose to prominence, and people wanted to know all about him. Ernest Khalimov was born under the zodiac sign of Pisces on 1 March 1969, in Russia, thus he holds Russian nationality; he’s a fitness trainer, bodybuilder, and a model for the Sleek’N’Tears project. He might be a real person, but there is no physical evidence as to whether he exists, while his alter-ego, GigaChad is an art project of Krista Sudmalis.
GigaChad presents a tall, muscular man, with a perfectly chiseled jawline, so many internet users say that his appearance is too perfect to be true. At first he was accused of using steroids, saying that he would die soon if he continues, and then people were saying that GigaChad is a photo-shopped character based on the look of Krista’s boyfriend, Artur Farad.
If you take a look on the YouTube channel “SLEEK’N’TEARS’, there is a video uploaded on 27 March 2016 featuring Artur Farad working out at the gym. He has a muscular body, a long beard, dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes, and the resemblance to GigaChad is obvious, but he hasn’t spoken about these assumptions. Artur is an oral surgeon and bodybuilder, and was also a model for Krista’s art project.
However, some rumors were saying that GigaChad is a digitalized character which Krista created as an honor to her father; there is a photo posted on her Instagram featuring her at the age of three in the arms of her father, and his appearance is reminiscent of GigaChad.
GigaChad has tattooed ‘berlin 1969’ on his stomach, and there is a video featuring Krista enjoying Berlin, Germany, her visit to the city was a part of her Sleek’N’Tears project.
Another interesting fact about this project is that five male models made appearances in her videos and photos, and four of them are certainly real people – as mentioned, Artur Farad, there is also model Adam Adamov, Vladimir Fedorchenko who is also a model and working for VTATU fashion house, and the fourth is fitness trainer Vladimir Zloyka.
They all have accounts on social media networks, and photos featuring their everyday life and work, so you can conclude that these aren’t fake accounts.
Presence on social media networks
Ernest Khalimov has no social media networks accounts, while there is one established under the name ‘berlin.1969’ and there you can see photos featuring GigaChad. This account has been followed by over 750,000 people, and there’s another under the name ‘gigachadarmy’, which has been followed by nearly 30,000 people.
When the account was established, there were just photos of GigaChad, but on 13 April 2021 another photo featuring himself was posted, with a description saying: ‘Hello.Yes, I heard that I don’t exist. It suits me. The “art project” sounds great thanks. I don’t have Twitter, Facebook, or anything else.
I like the memes you make. I don’t know much about it, but yes, I’m just like you, maybe a little bigger.
I read the messages you write and really glad that some people are inspired. Good luck guys.
If it’s important to you, I open comments so have fun while I chop wood. I’ll check next week. Best regards’
It seems that Ernest – or someone who is running these accounts – decided to use GigaChad’s popularity, so he has his own merchandise clothing line which can be bought online on gigachadarmy.com – actually, when we last checked, it was sold out, but it’s announced that another clothing line will be available soon.
On 1 September 2021, GigaChad and Krista Sudmalis created the official GigaChad’s Non-fungible token (NFT) collection, and now everyone has a chance to get his original GigaChad.
NFT is a unique unit of data employing technology that allows digital content such as photos, to become logged and authenticated on cryptocurrency blockchains.
There is also a song attributed to GigaChad, uploaded on 19 April 2021 on the YouTube channel “Day by Dave”, which has been viewed over a million times, and numerous memes made by GigaChad fans are circulating the internet.
Car accident
On 26 April 2021, started rumors that Ernest Khalimov – also known as GigaChad – died in a car accident, although there was no information where and how the accident happened, the news about his death only floating on the internet. Although this news wasn’t confirmed by any reliable source, and there were no police records of this accident happening, his fans were devastated, sending love and support to his (supposed) family.
However, on 19 May 2021, on the Instagram profile ‘berlin.1969’ a new photo was uploaded with the description saying: ‘Hello.
I’m grateful for your good comments and messages but you better tell me an interesting scientific or historical fact. Don’t use slang.
If I fail to achieve a decent result for the next shooting, or I will not resurrect after a car accident, or never become a real person, my little artist will fix this situation @sleekntears.( Vanduo ir laikas šito plienas nenuplaus. Nadeus’) Thanks for attention Giga Chad’s army. Have a nice day.’
The sentence written in Lithuanian language means ‘Water and time will not wash this steel’, and according to sources, Krista’s ethnicity is of mixed Russian and Lithuanian descent, so this started new speculation about GigaChad being an imaginary person created by Krista.
Age, height, and net worth
If is it to be believed, the information that we have about Ernest Khalimov aka GigaChad, is that he’s 52 years old, with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He weighs around 220lbs (100kgs) and is 6ft 5ins (1.97m) tall.
As of January 2022, according to sources, his net worth has been estimated at $1 million.
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