What happened to Chris Combs from “1000-lb Sisters”?

Olivia Wilson

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Ever since “1000-lb Sisters” premiered in January 2020, audiences all around the world have empathized with the very difficult weight-loss journey Amy and Tammy Slaton are going through.

Though both sisters’ lives are full of highs and lows, their resilience and will to become healthy undoubtedly inspires their fans. This also applies to their half-brother Chris Combs, who in record time caught the viewers’ attention and hearts since he joined the series in the second season. Nonetheless, Chris’ struggles to lose weight and several health problems are a constant reminder of the hardships people with obesity endure.

So whatever happened to Chris Combs? What are the latest updates regarding his surgery and current weight? Will he be back in the show? Keep with us to know all!


Where Is He Now?

Much to his fans’ joy, the second season’s finale of “1000-lb Sisters” showed that Chris Combs’ bypass surgery was given a green light. The good news came as a blessing, seeing that he spent the months prior, struggling with losing weight while dealing with other severe health problems at the same time.

Nonetheless, in late 2021 his followers were flabbergasted when the new season’s trailer later showed Dr. Smith worrying about the big size of Chris’ liver. As seen in the clip, potentially suffering from an enlarged liver could be in the way of his surgery to be successful, though in the trailer we also see that Chris apparently went through the procedure either way.

“1000-lb Sisters” third season hasn’t premiered yet, but seeing that neither Chris nor his sisters have posted anything negative regarding the surgery, it’s only natural to assume it went well.

How Much Weight Has He Lost?

Ever since Chris debuted on “1000-lb Sisters”, his rise in popularity has been very evident. Whether it’s for his personality or for helping out his sister Tammy during her journey, Chris’ definitely knows how to be on the audience’s good side.

As seen in the show, Chris’ weight gain can be attributed partially to his family’s genetics. However, he admitted himself that working in a fast-food restaurant played a significant role in his becoming obese, as it became easy to acquire unhealthy eating habits there over years.

Fans of “1000-lb Sisters” witnessed with some pleasure how Chris lost several pounds during the second season. Starting at 400lbs, about 180kgs when he joined the show, Chris’ hard work paid off, weighing about 375 lbs, or 170kgs by the time Dr. Smith approved his surgery.

Although for many people it might not be that much of a change, Chris’ efforts to improve his health are not to be downplayed. According to him, his family is a big motivating factor to continue his transformation. He’s hopeful of not becoming less of a burden to his wife Brittany, in addition to wanting to inspire his daughter Emily to follow his steps and hopefully acquire a healthy lifestyle too.

Where To Find Chris Online?

Seeing how popular he is with viewers of “1000-lb Sisters” and how active his sisters are online, it’s actually surprising that Chris Combs’ presence on the internet is not the greatest.

For starters, only a couple of posts can be found on his Instagram page, which was created not long after he joined the show, but left inactive soon after.


His personal Facebook account is notably more active compared to the rest of his social media, but limited to his friends and close-ones only, while his public fanpage on the platform is barely updated; the same applies to his account on TikTok.

While all of this makes finding him online a tricky endeavor, Chris has found more inventive and profitable ways to be closer to his fans. For starters, his profile on the Cameo and Memmo platform allows his fans to commission greetings videos from him for personal use for $30, as well as business campaigns for $140.

His personal YouTube channel is as inactive as the rest of his social media, but he collected over 10,000 subscribers and 170,000 views in only a couple of months after joining the video platform.

Does He Still Work In Fast Food?

One of the main traits which attract fans of “1000-lb Sisters” to Chris, is definitely his down-to-earth personality.

Despite the fame the show brought him, his humbleness and lack of pretentiousness when it comes to his public life, have undoubtedly made him a fan-favorite.

Describing himself as a ‘simple man trying to make it’, Chris started his professional life from the bottom, as a simple worker in the food distribution company Tyson Foods until 2008, when he went on to take a managerial position in a McDonald’s, a job he still has nowadays.

While working in the fast-food industry might not look complicated from the outside, it certainly made his tendency to eat big amounts of food a potential and increasing problem, as Chris affirmed in the show: ‘Dieting sucks because I am used to eating everything I cook. (…) if I am at work, there is food around me’. Hopefully, his will to pursue a healthy lifestyle will continue to be just as strong as he’s shown us so far.

Chris Combs

How Rich Is He?

Sources online point out that Chris Combs’ net worth is around $200,000. That’s obviously quite a big number for someone with a 9 to 5 job, which leads us to assume his fortune might be assisted by his appearances in “1000-lb Sisters”.

Nonetheless, there’s a lot of scepticism regarding the real salaries Chris and his sisters earn from TV. It’s rumored that TLC pays them as little as $1000 per episode they’re in the show, which is of course not enough to make the siblings rich. This also makes the fact Chris hasn’t left his regular job for the show look more logical.

Though Chris isn’t very vocal about how much his appearances on TV actually contribute to his net worth, his sister Tammy is another story. In a now-deleted Facebook video, she disregarded the rumors about her apparent fortune: ‘We’re not rich, TLC is rich. They are making money off us’.


Knowing that the Slaton sisters and Chris might not be as financially well-off as imagined make the questions regarding the cost of their surgeries more abundant. However, TLC reportedly pays for everything related to the siblings’ health, as long as they’re in the show.

How Is His Health Going?

Besides his evident obesity, Chris Combs has more health problems to worry about. While his enlarged liver condition is still unconfirmed, Chris has admitted to suffering from Diabetes type one, a disease which includes symptoms such as fatigue an increasing sleepiness, excessive urination, besides a rapid heart rate and nausea.

Of course, Chris’ Diabetes has always been a big concern when it comes to losing weight, as insulin doesn’t help, but smoking was also – reports say that Chris and his sisters were avid smokers before their transformation started. While Chris apparently left that habit for his bypass surgery to be possible, his sister Tammy is still unable to do the same.

Leaving behind unhealthy family customs is not only a matter of looks for Chris, though. Besides admitting how he wants to inspire and help his loved-ones to change their lives, Chris’ main motivation to losing weight connects to the unfortunate story of his father, who passed away at 57 years of age: ‘He was between 400-500 pounds. I am 41 now, and I want to be around my family. They are my everything’, he claimed.

Was Chris Sick Recently?

Though Chris’ health problems are well-known and have been a constant concern for years, the unexpected turns his well-being took in early 2021 were unrelated to any of those conditions.

For starters, in March it was revealed that he was diagnosed with COVID-19. The news came just after his sister, Tammy was revealed to having the virus as well, though the way it affected the siblings was quite different.

It caused severe respiratory problems for Tammy and led to her eventual hospitalization, while Chris’ symptoms were much less aggressive.

Though his body aches were unpleasant to say the least, losing his taste and smell senses definitely stagnated his weight transformation for a while. As he admitted, the fact that his food ‘tasted like cardboard’ led him to ditch his strict diet, evidently delaying his surgery.

After the news that he and his sister were infected by COVID, show’s fans theorized that Tammy’s ex-boyfriend might have been responsible for bringing the virus to her house, but these rumors were never confirmed.

On the other hand, in April the “1000-lb Sisters” audience saw Chris undergoing emergency surgery on his leg to extract a boil from his limb. The procedure put his weight loss on hold for a couple of weeks for the second time in only a few months.

Chris Combs Beginnings

Born on 29 October 1980, Chris Combs grew up with his family in Shawneetown, Illinois. It’s known he matriculated from Union County High School in 1998, when his family had already moved to Kentucky.

Though his father’s identity is unknown, it’s suspected that he man died several years after separating from Chris’ mom Darlene Slaton, who gave birth to Tammy and Amy when Chris was a little kid. Darlene re-married later in life to Robert Rednour, with whom she remained married until his death in January 2021.

Besides Tammy and Amy, Chris has another sister named Amanda, who appears during the show’s third season. When it comes to Darlene, the “1000-lb Sisters” first season showed her unsupportive of her daughters’ transformation, an attitude which apparently has negatively affected the sisters for a long time. Other lesser-known members of the family are Chris’ sister Misty Wentworth, and step-siblings Crystal Collins and Wayne Rednour.

Regarding his education, Chris graduated from the Illinois-based Hamburger University in 2012, though his major isn’t revealed.

Marriage & Family

It’s not a secret that admiration usually comes with fame. In the case of Chris Combs, his debut in “1000-lb Sisters” caused many people to praise him for more than his resilience or personality, as comments regarding how ‘cute’ or ‘adorable’ have been on the rise ever since.

In case you were wondering what Chris’ civil status is, you might be flabbergasted to know he’s married to Brittany, with whom he tied the knot back on 15 October 2016. Chris’ two children are Emily and Brandon but, their mother’s identity isn’t revealed.

Native from Kentucky, Brittany apparently works as a manager in a local McDonald’s, and is several years younger than Chris. The pair hasn’t welcomed any child together, but as seen on their social media, their relationship is going on strongly.


On their respective Facebook accounts, they’re not afraid to share lovey-dovey pictures together, added to the several times Chris showcased her in his TikTok videos.

What Happened To Chris’ Sisters?


Much to the joy of her fans, Amy Slaton’s life is going quite well. After going through a slightly complicated pregnancy, she gave birth to her son Gage Halterman in November 2020. As the baby was in what Amy affirmed was ‘a breech position’, he was born through a C-section.

Soon after his birth, baby Gage’s blood sugar levels were at 24, a lot lower than the 50 the doctors recommended. Due to that he was given formula to get his levels up.

Nonetheless, judging by the many times he’s featured on his mom’s Instagram account, Gage is fortunately noticeably healthy. However, Amy’s increase in weight after giving birth is evident, and even awakened rumors of a second pregnancy in mid-2021.



Unlike her siblings, things are not as brighter for Tammy Slaton as of late. As seen in the “1000-lb Sisters” second season, Tammy’s weight loss process stagnated due to her inability to follow a healthy diet. Her eating habits added to her personal problems with Amy, resulting in many arguments between them during the season.

On the other hand, in 2021 Tammy’s health was severely affected as a result of COVID. The virus took her to emergencies for a while due to her respiratory problems, which kept her connected to an oxygen tube until August.

Regarding the series, fans of “1000-lb Sisters” suspect the third will be the last season of the show, due to Tammy’s lack of improvement in her weight-loss journey compared to Amy’s. Hopefully, maybe those are just rumors, and we’ll get to see the Slaton sisters and Chris showing their entire transformations on TV sometime in the not-too-distant future.



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