Trailer Park Boys is a Canadian TV series, which shows fictional events in the form of a documentary, and follows the story of made-up Sunnyvale Trailer Park, its residents and their daily misadventures. The show was created by Mike Clattenburg back in 2001, and is currently in its 11th season, while season 12 has already been announced for 2018.
Have you ever wondered how much wealth this “mockumenatry” show has accumulated so far? What is the net worth of the Trailer Park Boys? According to sources, it is estimated that the total of the Trailer Park Boys’ net worth, as of late 2017, revolves around the sum of $15 million, which has been acquired through its 17-year-long existence so far.
Trailer Park Boys Net Worth Under Review
It all began back in the late 1980s, when three high school friends, Mike Clattenburg, Robb Wells and John Paul Tremblay, all with quite a bizarre sense of humor, began filming themselves while undertaking crude practical jokes on random people. In 1995 the crew, enhanced by Mike Smith, officially filmed their first short comedy movie entitled “The Cart Boy”. This venture, which was well received by the audience, provided the basis for the net worth of what later became the Trailer Park Boys.
The comedy movie entitled “Trailer Park Boys”, with Clattenburg as its director and main writer and Smith, Tremblay and Wells as the main protagonists, was officially premiered at the Atlantic Film Festival in 1999, and was received warmly by the critics. Two years later in 2001, the “Trailer Park Boys” TV series was premiered on Showcase, featuring Tremblay as Julian, Wells as Ricky LaFleur and Smith as Bubbles in the roles of its primary characters. The show follows everyday lives primarily of this trio, and their daily struggles to acquire some money through their con schemes and petty crimes. The series quickly earned huge popularity with the TV audience, and so far has produced 11 seasons. It is certain that its popularity and long-term television tenure helped the Trailer Park Boys to add a significant sum to their net worth.
Apart from television, the franchise has also been enriched with several movies, including “Trailer Park Boys: The Movie” (2006), “Trailer Park Boys: Countdown to Liquor Day” (2009) and “Trailer Park Boys: Don’t Legalize It” (2014), as well as with several spin-off shows such as “Trailer Park Boys: Out of the Park” among plenty of others. Doubtlessly, all these accomplishments have made an impact on the crew’s net worth.
Mike Clattenburg was born in Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada, and is a movie director and producer as well as a screenwriter. For his work on the Trailer Park Boys franchise, he was honored with the Gemini Award in 2004, in the category for The Best Comedy Program. His net worth, as of late 2017, is estimated at $12 million.
John Paul Tremblay was born in 1968 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and before dedicating to his acting career full time, he was involved in the food business, running his own chain of pizza restaurants. Apart from the Trailer Park Boys’ projects, he has also appeared in various other motion pictures including TV series “The Drunk and On Drugs Happy Fun Time Hour” as well as in “Archer”. The total of his current wealth is estimated at around the sum of $2 million.
Robb Wells was born in 1971 in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, and besides being an actor is also an entrepreneur who co-founded SwearNet, an uncensored comedy network and YouTube channel. Apart from all those already mentioned above, he has also starred in movies such as “The Boondock Saints: All Saints Day” (2009), “Hobo with a Shotgun” (2011) and “Jackhammer” (2013) to name a few. His total wealth is currently estimated to exceed the sum of $2.5 million.
Mike Smith was born in 1972 in Thorburn, Nova Scotia, Canada, and before diving into the acting world, earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in English language from St. Francis Xavier University. Besides being an actor, he is also a musician who performed alongside Guns N’ Roses on several occasions. It is estimated that the total of his wealth, as of late 2017, revolves around the sum of $2 million.
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