Alice Fay Williams was born on the 22nd January 1947 in Lumberton, North Carolina, USA, and as Afeni Shakur she is known as a business woman in the music industry, philanthropist, former radical political activist and former member of the revolutionary Black Nationalist and Socialist organization entitled the Black Panthers. In the nineties, she became famous as the mother of the deceased American rapper and icon Tupac Amaru Shakur.
How much is the net worth of Afeni Shakur? It has been estimated that her wealth stands at $50 million, as of early 2016.
Afeni Shakur Net Worth $50 Million
Her parents were Rosa Belle and Walter Williams Junior, and she was named after the actress Alice Faye, but is known under various names including Afeni Shakur-Davis, Alice Faye Williams, Afeni Shakur Davis, Afini Shakur and even Alice Faye.
Shakur was a member of the Black Panthers, the organization of socialists and nationalists which was active in USA from 1966 to 1982. The Government was against the activities organized by previously mentioned organization, which lead to arrests and killings. In 1971, Shakur, at that time pregnant with Tupac by his father, Billy Garland (who was also a Black Panther), was arrested for withholding information about the leaders of the Black Panthers. More, she was accused of participating in bombings and other Black Panther activities. Apparently, Afeni Shakur obtained a court order to get three boiled eggs every day because the prison food was so bad for a pregnant woman. After the birth of her son, she married Mutulu Shakur. Together they had a daughter, Sekyiwa Shakur, who is a half-sister of Tupac.
The strength of the woman was often quoted by Tupac as a great inspiration, and his album “Strictly 4 My NIGGAZ” (1993), he says, “My mom used to tell me if you can not find something to live for, you better find something to die for”. The well known rapper adored her mother, but unfortunately Tupac was murdered shot in Las Vegas on the 7th September 1996. The well known rapper died in the hospital six days later. The murder is still unsolved.
Since the death of her son Afeni has sold millions of albums, and is seen as the driving force behind the sales of Tupac’s work. A year after his death, in 1997 Afeni founded the Tupac Amaru Shakur Foundation, which provides art programs for young people. Afeni uses the money she get from selling his albums to fund the previously mentioned programs. She has also launched Amaru Entertainment, the foundation in which all unpublished Tupac works are held. Both foundations are based in Georgia, USA. She has also developed a clothing line, Makaveli Branded, with all profits goes to the Tupac Amaru Shakur Foundation.
In 2004, the biographic book depicting events of the Shakur’s life “Afeni Shakur: Evolution of a Revolutionary” written by Jasmine Guy was released.
In her less-than-private personal life, Afeni Shakur was married to Lumumba Shakur(1968-71) and then to Mutulu Shakur (1975-82) with whom she has daughter Sekyiwa.
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