Whitney MacMillan Net Worth

Net Worth  Net Worth: $5 Billion

Daniel Wanburg

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Whitney MacMillan is a Minneapolis, Minnesota-born American businessman who is best known for being the former CEO of his family business, Cargill. Born on 25 September 1929, he is one of the richest people in the USA. A highly regarded businessman who managed to take his family business to the next level, Whitney is also a noted philanthropist.

One of the richest businessmen in the world and a leading personality when it comes to the grain business, how rich is Whitney MacMillan as of 2015? At the present, Whitney has been counting his net worth at almost $5 billion. Needless to say, all of his wealth is the result of his involvement in business as the former CEO and Chairman of the Board for his family business, Cargill. Cargill is now at the top of business when it comes to food processing commodities.

Whitney MacMillan Net Worth $5 Billion

Raised in Minneapolis, Whitney was born to Cargill MacMillan, Sr – his great-grandfather; William W. Cargill was the founder of Cargill. Whitney has two sisters and a brother. He attended Yale University before starting to work for the family business. Cargill was founded in 1865 and has been held privately to date. This corporation is involved in energy trading, food, crops and livestock, electricity and gas in several countries around the world. The company is one of the biggest corporation in the USA as of now, in terms of revenue.

Whitney joined Cargill after finishing his studies at Yale University. He moved up in the corporation, eventually serving as the CEO of Cargill between 1976 and 1995 before his successor, Ernest Micek took over the position. During his period as the CEO, Whitney managed to raise the company’s value from $10 billion to $33 billion within ten years. Due to Whitney’s impeccable efforts and business skills, the company became the world’s largest grain company and still remains the same. As the company’s business started growing, it outstripped all of its European rivals who had been leading the business market for a long time.

As of now, Cargill’s revenues have been rising in billions of dollars and the company has been providing employment to around 143,000 of people. Needless to say, all of these billion dollars of revenues have been significant in adding to Whitney’s net worth over time. As the last person of the Cargill family to serve as a CEO in the company, Whitney retired in 1995. Since then, he has been more prominent in philanthropic activities which he started while he was still serving in Cargill.

Being a noted philanthropist, Whitney has served for several organizations including Salzburg Global Seminar, Trilateral Commission, the University of Minnesota and more, being a part of Board of Directors. He also has a school named after him and his wife at Yale University for his contributions to education. Serving as a teacher and an executive at University of St. Thomas where he teaches graduate business students, has also been a part of his philanthropic activities..

Taking his personal life into account, 86 years old Whitney lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with his wife, Betty MacMillan – they have two children. As of now, Whitney has been enjoying his retirement days along with his wife, as his present net worth of $5 billion has been comfortably catering for his daily life.



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