Jamie Dimon is a successful investment banker as well as a CEO. His net worth is estimated to be about $400 million. His yearly income is estimated to be nearly $30 million.
Jamie was born on the 13th March 1956 in New York City, New York, in the United States. His parents are Themis Dimon and Theodore Dimon, who originated from Greece. Jamie enrolled in Tufts University to study Psychology and Economics so he could later obtain his master’s degree at the famous and well-known Harvard Business School. After graduation Jamie got a lot of offers.
Jamie Dimon Net Worth $400 Million
The career in the investment banking almost runs in Jamie’s family as many of his close relatives including his own father and his father’s father – his grandfather was once a very well-known stockbroker. They worked at Shearson for a very long time. Jamie himself has done his fair share of working for Shearson as he had an internship there one summer just after graduating from high school. Later that internship turned into most of Jamie’s wealth, being accumulated by being the Chief Executive Officer of a company called J P Morgan Chase & Co.
Although he began his career as a co-founder of Citagroup, he also worked for American Express. His longtime partner who he co-founded Citigroup with is Sandy Weill from American Express, where they both worked for quite a while.
After leaving his position at the American Express Jamie got a job at a company called Commercial Credit. He worked there for several years. He got there by following his father’s steps to further accumulate his new worth. After co-founding The J P Morgan Chase & Co he started exploring his other options and that is when he became the Chief Executive Officer of the BankOne. Since then he moved to his current business.
Jamie Dimon has also been named as one of the most influential people in the world several times by the famous Time Magazine. He was invited to join such companies as Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. His knowledge in business really helped to turn J P Morgan bank to into an empire of some sorts, since that bank is considered to be one of the Big Four Banks of the United States. It is estimated that J P Morgan is currently worth over $2 trillion and most of that wealth can be attributed to Jamie Dimon working there.
Speaking about his personal life, Jamie has a wife, Judith Kent and together they have three lovely daughters Kara Leigh, Julia and Laura.
It is safe to say that Jamie Dimon has had quite a career taking into consideration that he has changed jobs and moved positions in several banks and companies. One thing is for sure, it requires a good set of values and a sharp mind for a person in order to not get lost in a world where wealth is everything and where annual incomes, such as Jamie Dimon’s, are in the millions.
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