Impractical Jokers is an American reality television series, which shows a group of comedians engaged in various pranks in public places perpetrated on random strangers, with everything recorded by hidden cameras. It was launched by the comedy troupe The Tenderloins back in 2011, and ever since has been aired on TruTV, currently being in its sixth season.
Have you ever wondered how much wealth this show has accumulated so far? What is the net worth of the Impractical Jokers? According to sources, it is estimated that the total of Impractical Jokers’ net worth, as of late 2017, revolves around the sum of $2.4 million, acquired through its seven-year-long existence.
Impractical Jokers Net Worth $2.4 million
The idea of Impractical Jokers TV show originated in 1999, when four high school friends from Monsignor Farrell High School in Staten Island, New York City created a comedy group named The Tenderloins. The troupe consists of James ‘Murr’ Murray, Joseph ‘Joe’ Gatto Jr., Salvatore ‘Sal’ Vulcano and last but not the least Brian ‘Q’ Quinn. After almost a decade of successfully performing their live improv sketches and skits on gigs all across the states, The Tenderloins came to greater commercial success after winning NBC’s comedy competition “It’s Your Show”, earning a sum of $100,000 in prize money. These ventures helped the four comedians to greatly enlarge the basis of their net worth.
The idea of their own TV show came in 2008, when they launched a pilot episode of their own sitcom on Spike TV which, however, didn’t managed to go into production. However, in late 2011, The Tenderloins alongside NorthSouth Productions and TruTV, launched the Impractical Jokers TV show which rapidly gained viewers as well as huge popularity among the audience. What differentiates Impractical Jokers from other prank shows is its very own concept – it is based on challenges! At the beginning of each episode, jokers explain where they are and what the challenge is, and then each of them try to fulfill it, by performing a prank on random strangers in public places such as cafeterias, parks, metro stations and many other venues. For every unsuccessful try, one gets “Thumbs-Down” from the other three and, at the end of the episode, the one who collects most thumbs-downs gets punished in a humiliating, embarrassing or even painful way. Since 2011, Impractical Jokers has aired six seasons, while the seventh season is announced for 2018. It is certain that the show’s global popularity dramatically impacted Impractical Jokers’ net worth.
All group members were born in New York City; James Stephen Murray – Murr was born on the 1st May 1976, and besides American is also of Irish origin. He graduated from Georgetown University, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Language. Apart from Impractical Jokers, he has also appeared in several movies and TV series, earning a total of $1.5 million so far.
Joseph Gatto Jr. – Joe was born on the 5th June 1976, and after high school, he attended LIU Post from which he graduated with a diploma in accounting. He worked at a retail store before turning towards his on-camera career full time. It is estimated that his current net worth revolves around the sum of $500,000.
Salvatore Vulcano – Sal was born on the 5th November 1976, attended St. John’s University, from which he graduated with a diploma in finance. His late 2017 net worth is estimated to exceed the sum of $400,000.
Brian Michael Quinn – Q was born in March 1976, attended Brooklyn College. Upon graduation he served as a member of the New York City Fire Department before becoming a full time comedian. His net worth is currently estimated at $500,000.
There seems little doubt that these pranksters will continue to entertain, and so lift their net worth too.
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