How did Paige Taylor become famous? Her Age, Height, Dating, Bio

Martha Clifford

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Paige Taylor

Content creator Paige Taylor has over seven million followers across all social media platforms, and is described as ‘TikTok’s big sister’. Relationship advice, GRWM videos, and fashion and beauty content are her niche, although the former Hype House member first went viral on TikTok thanks to her lip-syncing and dance clips.

Born on 26th March 2004 in Palos Verdes, California, USA, Paige is of Asian-American descent and takes great pride in her heritage. The influencer is 5ft 2in (160cm) tall and weighs about 115lbs (52kgs). Although Paige doesn’t share much about her family, she previously stated that her mother is a great cook who specializes in Korean cuisine.

According to the influencer, she once went to her younger cousin’s school play, and shared an enjoyable fan interaction with a young girl from a similar background. ‘She came up to me and started crying, talking about how it’s so cool to have an Asian-American influencer that came from my hometown,’ Paige divulged during an interview with Distractify. ‘It was a life-changing moment and I’ll never forget it.’


Paige joined the Hype House collective in May 2022, but moved out just five months later and announced the news with a YouTube video entitled “i moved out…”. In true influencer fashion, Paige started the video by showing herself packing her stuff up to move out of the Hype House, and then quickly squeezed in an ad placement and discount code for the water bottle brand that had sponsored the video.

Cutting to the chase, the exact reason behind Paige’s sudden departure from the Hype House wasn’t revealed in the video, but her boyfriend Jackson Dean and their mutual friend Bryce Parker left at the same time. A widely-accepted fan theory is that Paige, Jackson, and Bryce left simultaneously because they realized that the Hype House couldn’t do anything for their careers that they weren’t doing already.

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Safe to say, Paige made the right decision in leaving the controversial content group. New and exciting opportunities have come her way since then, such as a Forever 21 ambassadorship and collaborations with Prime Video, Fahlo, and other big brands. Another huge career highlight for the Californian was in May 2023, when her face appeared on a billboard in Times Square thanks to an ad campaign with Dossier Perfumes.

Although Paige had already gone viral before she began dating Jackson, her relationship with the fellow content creator has also allowed her an enormous boost in the competitive influencer scene. Jackson was reportedly born on 2nd July 2003 in California, and became well-known thanks to his POV videos, lip-syncing content, and other TikTok uploads; the couple made their relationship public in September 2022 and began hunting for apartments a few days after moving out of the Hype House, although they had only been dating for a few months at that point.

On April Fool’s Day in 2023, Paige pranked her followers by uploading the YouTube video “WE BROKE UP”, which has since been seen over 115,000 times. Fans of the couple are hoping for an engagement announcement soon, but given that Paige and Jackson are in their early twenties, they probably have a while to wait.

Hype House

The Hype House collective was formed in December 2019 and largely funded by influencers Thomas Petrou, Daisy Keech, Chase Hudson, Addison Rae, Dixie D’Amelio, and Alex Warren. At the peak of its popularity, the content group had 21 members who were the tastemakers of their generation, with many of them becoming minor celebrities – for example, see Addison Rae at the MET Gala.


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In March 2020, Daisy Keech left the house due to internal disputes with other members. The D’Amelio sisters left two months later with hopes of building their own brand, and it wasn’t long before they were landing big brand collaborations with the likes of Prada and Abercrombie.

However, Addison, Dixie, and Charli’s success stories were the exception rather than the rule. Less than a year after its creation, the Hype House had already been hit by one public scandal after another. Everything was smooth sailing during the first month, as many of the founding members gave interviews talking about how great it was to live and work with their peers. However, the first cracks in the façade appeared when Daisy left the collective and shared her version of events.

Despite being a cofounder of the collective, Daisy was noticeably snubbed by the New York Times, who gave Thomas Petrou and Chase Hudson all the credit when writing a profile about the content house’s origin story. Thomas and Chase made no attempt to correct the narrative, which led to Daisy leaving – and in August 2020, five months after her departure, the influencer finally felt ready to upload “Truth about the Hype House”, in which she discussed how she felt about her former housemates.

‘I had no idea to speak up and to say that I was a cofounder,’ Daisy explained. ‘I assumed Thomas and Chase would have given the other cofounders – not even just myself – credit, because out of integrity, that’s just what you do.’

Charli and Chase’s shock split in April 2020 was a sign of further trouble to come. Despite initially claiming that she and Chase were still good friends, things obviously weren’t as idyllic as they appeared on the surface, and the Hype House’s popularity took a major hit when she and Dixie decided to branch out on their own.

After months of receiving hate from Charli’s fans and having his dirty laundry aired by other Hype House members, Chase decided to repay the favor in July 2020 by posting a viral tweet in which he exposed numerous infidelities.

‘Anthony got with Cynthia a week after we broke up on tour. Anthony tried to hook up with Dixie at our house on the 4th of July in front of me while she was dating Griffin. Griffin cheated on Dixie with Tayler’s ex Kaylyn and Bryce’s ex Elle. Jaden and Josh cheated endless times on Mads and Nessa for the past few months. Kio cheated on Olivia,’ Chase wrote.

Anthony, Cynthia, and many of the other influencers mentioned are no longer relevant – but at the time, Chase’s Tweet took the internet by storm and confirmed speculations that the Hype House was far more dysfunctional than it appeared. This also raised concerns due to some of the collective members being underage; although the underage members reportedly lived at home and weren’t allowed to move into the Hype House mansion, they still spent most of their time with the rest of the members so as to record content together.

Following a failed reality show and other unsuccessful attempts at maintaining their popularity, the buzz around the Hype House members died down in 2021 or 2022, depending on who you ask. The remaining members moved out of the mansion in 2023 after numerous legal disputes with the landlord of the property, and although the collective still exists, it’s become a shadow of its former self.



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