Georgina Hope Rinehart, simply known as Gina Rinehart, is a famous Australian businesswoman, as well as an Executive Chairman of a mineral exploration and extraction company “Hancock Prospecting”. Gina Rinehart is perhaps mostly known as a daughter of a well-known iron ore magnate Lang Hancock, who in 1952 discovered the biggest deposit of iron ore and became one of the richest people in Australia. Lang Hancock was married to Rose Porteous, a marriage to which Gina Rinehart was strongly opposed to. Rinehart’s conflicts with Porteous lasted for almost ten years after Lang Hancock’s passing in 1992.
Gina Rinehart Net Worth $17.6 Billion
Such negative publicity, however, did not prevent Gina Rinehart from appearing on both “The Business Weekly” and “Forbes Asia” magazines, which named her the wealthiest person in Australia, and by 2014 she was already the sixth richest woman in the world. After her father’s death, Rinehart inherited “Hancock Prospecting”, which is currently one of the largest mineral resources explorers in the world. A famous businesswoman, how rich is Gina Rinehart? According to sources, Gina Rinehart’s net worth is estimated to amount to an impressive $17.6 billion. The majority of Rinehart’s wealth comes from her business ventures.
Gina Rinehart was born in 1954, in Perth, Western Australia. For a brief moment, Rinehart attended the University of Sydney, but dropped out in order to work for her father. She then inherited the rights to the “Hancock Prospecting Limited” and other companies, which became privately owned. “Hancock Prospecting” currently owns many iron ore leases, which bring a substantial amount of income. In 2011, it was estimated that the company has earned $870 million through revenue. It is also estimated that iron and coal productions annually generate a total of $10 billion, a significant sum to contribute to Rinehart’s net worth. The company is currently working on several projects, including “Hope Downs Mine” in the Pilbara region, an iron mine project called “Roy Hill Project”, as well as a coal mine project named “Alpha Coal Project”.
In addition to the revenue collected from “Hancock Prospecting”, Gina Rinehart managed to contribute to her remarkable net worth by investing and buying shares in other businesses. In 2010, Gina Rinehart purchased a ten percent stake in one of Australia’s major media companies “Ten Network Holdings”, and has bought stakes in another Australian diversified media company called “Fairfax Media” but was not given a seat in the board of the company due to its policy issues. Considered to be among the most powerful women in the world, Gina Rinehart is also a trustee of the “Hope Margaret Hancock Trust”, established by her father in 1988. A famous businesswoman and one of the most influential women, Gina Rinehart is an active supporter of charitable causes. Even though she doesn’t publicly admit her involvement, Rinehart has been supporting various orphanages in Cambodia, as well as participating in the actions of SISHA, which is a Cambodian organization that fights human trafficking. A mining heiress and owner of “Hancock Prospecting”, Gina Rinehart has an estimated net worth of $17.6 billion.
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