Bernard Marcus Net Worth

Net Worth  Net Worth: $3.9 Billion

Daniel Wanburg

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Bernard Marcus was born on the 12th May 1929, in Newark, New Jersey USA, of Russian and Jewish ancestry. He is known to the world for being an American businessman and philanthropist. He is also recognized as the co-founder of the company called Home Depot. His career as a successful businessman was active from the 1970s until 2012, when he retired.

Have you ever wondered how rich Bernard Marcus is? Forbes has estimated that his net worth is over $3.9 billion, making him one of the wealthiest people in Georgia. The main source of his fortune has come from his successful career as a businessman and entrepreneur.

Bernard Marcus Net Worth $3.9 Billion

Bernard Marcus was raised in his hometown where he attended South Side High School, following which he became a student of Pharmacy at Rutgers University, but also worked as a carpenter with his father. As a student he became a member of business fraternities – “Alpha Epsilon Pi” (AEPi) and “Alpha Kappa Psi” (AKPsi).

After he graduated from the university, Bernard began to work in retail business, and for numerous drug stores. For a short time during the 1970s he worked as a top executive at the Handy Dan Improvement Centers, however, after various disagreements with his bosses, Bernard decided to quit the store in 1978.

Bernard subsequently embarked on the project of establishing Home Depot, a retailer of home improvement and construction products, with a little help from his friend Arthur Blank and an investment banker Ken Langone. In no time, they opened their first two stores in Doraville and Decatur, and soon they managed to expand their business across the USA. With this increase in the company`s operation, Bernard`s net worth gained a boost, and he soon became a billionaire.

Since its inception, Marcus served as the company`s CEO for 19 years, until in 2002 when he decided to retire from the business, and instead he focused on the philanthropic side of a rich people`s life.

Starting back in 1991, when he was already a recognized businessman and enjoying his wealth, he founded the Israel Democracy Institute. Bernard provided $5 million for the construction of the institute’s building in Jerusalem’s Talbiya neighborhood. and invested hundreds of millions of shekels into its ongoing operation over the years.

Furthermore, he donated over $200 million to the Georgia Aquarium in 2005, and on account of that donation, he and his wife were listed among the top charitable donors in the country by The Chronicle of Philanthropy.

He has also founded the Marcus Institute which focuses on ensuring education for children and adolescents who are suffering from development disabilities. Bernard has also donated $25 millions to the Autism Speaks, in order to better up their chances in finding a cure for Autism.

For his services as a humanitarian, Marcus has earned several awards, including the William E. Simon Prize for Philanthropic Leadership.

Regarding his personal life, he has married twice. With his first wife, he has two children, Fred and Suzanne, and he is a step-father to Michael, whose mother is Bernard`s second wife, Billi.



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