Mark Zuckerberg Net Worth

March 20, 2024
2 mins read

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born on 14 May 1984, in White Plains, New York State USA into a Jewish family. He is known for making billions of dollars at a very young age. However, even if a lot of people are jealous and sceptical about Mark, they should admit that not only does he deserve all that he has, but also respect and admiration for being smart and inventive. He has created a virtual empire which we all acknowledge nowadays: is there anyone in the world who has not heard of Facebook!

So how rich is Mark Zuckerberg? According to Forbes Magazine and Bloomberg’s Billionaires list, Zuckerberg‘s net worth is estimated at $56 billion as of early-2017, making him the seventh richest person in the world, up from 15th just nine months earlier. What strikes as most comic is that Mark has a salary of only $1 dollar per year as CEO of Facebook, however, that doesn‘t stop him from being a self-made billionaire, now head of a company ranked in the 10 largest in the world, valued at $275 billion.

Mark Zuckerberg Net Worth $56 Billion

Mark was indeed an ‘A’ grade student, apparently excelling in many subjects when at Ardsley High School, ranging from physics to classics. However, above Mark‘s interest in computers stands his father. He introduced Mark to computers and wanted him to take an interest in them. Edward Zuckerberg taught his son Atari BASIC programming and later hired a software developer to train Mark privately once a week. According to David Newman, the above-mentioned tutor, the kid was unbelievably talented and soon left his teacher standing and breathless. When Zuckerberg joined the community of Harvard University, he already had a reputation as a programming genius, because “Facebook” wasn‘t actually the first convenient and useful program he had developed. His works, such as Synapse Media Player, CourseMatch and Facemash received a lot of attention and popularity. Still they cannot rate with Facebook.

Unsurprisingly, a person who begins a world-wide revolution of communication faces a lot of problems, difficulties, intrigues and scandals. Mark was accused by his former friends, the Winklevoss twins, Cameron and Tyler, of stealing their ideas. The brothers actually dreamed of building a connection between all the students of Harvard University. As we all know now, Mark improved this idea by enlarging the range of people who were allowed to use this social network. So, the accusations were at least true in part and Zuckerberg was forced to give away 1.2m Facebook shares to them. Thus there‘s always a bright side of things – the company that Mark set up has made a lot of people wealthy, not just him alone.

Regardless, according to Vanity Fair magazine, Zuckerberg was the most influential person of the Information Age in 2010. That‘s surprising because a year before he ranked only at number 23 on the same list. What‘s more, not only does Vanity Fair consider Mark as the world‘s most influential in this relatively new industry, but also New Statesman. In 2010, they ranked him as number 16 in the top 50 of the world’s most important figures. “Facebook” is considered to be the biggest social networking website on the planet, used by people of all ages, sex or nationality. Zuckerberg is respected because all he had to create such a network were his ideas and fingers that instinctively knew what to press on a keyboard.

Even though Mark Elliot Zuckerberg lost all of his friends and it doesn‘t seem that he‘s ever going to regain them, he at least has a reliable source of income – Facebook, of course. All the other similar companies that Facebook has obtained recently such as Instagram, WhatsApp, and some more must also be taken into account.

In his personal life, Mark Zuckerberg married Priscilla Chan in 2012, having met her originally in 2002. Aside from his career, Mark is a noted philanthropist, particularly to educational projects. In 2010, he joined with Bill Gates and Warren Buffett in promising to donate half of his wealth to charity over time. In 2013 he donated shares valued at $990 million to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, and the following year $25 million towards combating the ebola disease.

Daniel Wanburg

As the Managing Editor at Net Worth Post, I lead a talented team in delivering compelling content on the lives and achievements of influential figures. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, I oversee the production of insightful biographies that resonate with our audience. My role involves not only managing the editorial process but also conducting research, crafting engaging narratives, and ensuring the accuracy and quality of our publications.

At NetWorthPost, we strive to provide our readers with in-depth profiles that offer valuable insights into the worlds of business, entertainment, and beyond. Through meticulous research and captivating storytelling, we bring to light the remarkable journeys and successes of individuals who inspire and captivate us.

1 Comment

  1. Wow!! Zuckerberg is a snake who ripped off his business partners and you call him “respectable” and then go on to say he’s “lost all of his friends”. How “respectable” is that? He lost his friends because he can’t be trusted. His neighbors in Hawaii can’t stand him. He’s a hypocrite, criticizing Trump for wanting to build a wall to keep out illegals and yet he built a huge wall around his mansion in Hawaii cutting off the view and polluting the landscape with mounds of rock. Get a clue and be honest. I can’t stand to look at the guy.

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